taking a strategic approach to efficient use of energy

Mike Suggate


Mike is a mechanical engineer by training and has more than 30-years experience in a variety of engineering and management roles, predominantly in the energy and manufacturing sectors.

This experience includes project management in power station construction and mechanical contracting, and a range of management positions in energy and other companies including a period as engineering manager for BP Oil NZ Ltd. Most recently Mike led the start up and establishment of Energy for Industry, a Meridian Energy subsidiary, as general manager. Energy for Industry supplies utility services from energy facilities fuelled on wood wastes, biomass, coal and natural and landfill gas; building, owning and operating the energy plants based on customer sites and supplying heat, electricity and other services to the host businesses.
This has provided a strong understanding of industrial scale energy technologies, the issues around fuel supply and combustion, and the practical aspects of operating such plant to ensure the reliable and efficient provision of essential and profitable outcomes for all parties.

Relevant Experience

Feasibility studies on subjects including:

  • The commercialisation of fuel crop growing
  • The digestion of agricultural wastes to produce energy and fertiliser
  • Geothermal development projects
  • Liquid fuel manufacture

Mike has also built up a range of relevant experience in:

  • general management positions in energy, manufacturing and distribution companies
  • marketing and sales, including in particular the development of export markets for tractor windows and other products for Pilkington NZ Ltd
  • project management, planning and contract negotiation and administration for a range of energy related projects including wind farm development, and other mechanical engineering such as industrial gas cleaning plant and inert gas systems installed on oil tankers
  • industrial and commercial energy auditing and energy reduction programme development
  • business re-engineering and restructuring management experience with EnergyDirect and Pilkington
  • engineering management at BP Oil NZ Ltd covering oil, aviation fuel and LPG facilities and services
  • power station planning and siting; including initial stages of planning for Ohaaki geothermal power station
  • construction and project management on major power station development projects

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