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Click on the links below to view archived East Harbour publications.
"Heating and Electricity Generation Costs Graphs", March 2005 | pdf 69.2KB |
"National Issues Vs Local Concerns - Assessing Options for Infrastructure Projects", presentation to NZAIA Forum, March 2005 | pdf 42.7KB |
"Co-generation and Embedded generation", report to Forest Industries Engineering Association, June 2003 | pdf 52.1KB |
"Managing within the New Zealand Energy Market", July 2003, report to Forest Industries Engineering Association | pdf 267KB |
"Distributed Generation Market Potential", June 2003, presentation to CAE DG workshop, June 2003 | pdf 205KB |
"The Barriers to Co-generation", presentation to Utilicon Conference, March 2003 | pdf 51.3KB |
"Opportunities for Distributed Generation in New Zealand - The Drivers and what's in it for you?", presentation to CAE DG workshop, June 2002 | pdf 1.66MB |
"Overview of Overseas Distributed Activities and Experiences", presentation to CAE DG workshop, November 2001 | coming soon |
"Where may Gasification fit in the NZ Bioenergy Market", presentation to Biomass Gasification Technology and Biomass Energy workshop, February 2008 | pdf 340KB |
"Revenue from Woody Biomass in New Zealand", report to NZ Institute of Forestry Conference, April 2006 | pdf 365KB |
"Biogas Opportunities - An overview of biogas potential in New Zealand", presentation to BANZ Biogas workshop, October 2004 | pdf 79.4KB |
"Status of Bioenergy from Woody Biomass in New Zealand", presentation to BANZ Woody Biomass workshop, September 2004 | pdf 156KB |
"The Place for Bioenergy in the NZ Energy Market", presentation to IEA Task 30, Short Rotation Crops workshop, December 2003 | pdf 230KB |
"Industrial Short Rotation Crop Policy", joint paper with Scion presented to IEA Task 30, Short Rotation Crops workshop, December 2003 | pdf 103KB |
"Renewable Energy Options and other Generation Options can reduce wood processing costs", presented to Forest Industry Engineering Association workshop, December 2003 | pdf 170KB |
"Lessons for extracting Energy from Landfill Waste - from experience in the wood processing industry", presentation to WasteMINZ Bioenergy workshop, May 2003 | pdf 54.7KB |
"Wood Processing Strategy: Future Energy Supply and Demand", report to Forest Industries Council and EECA, November 2002 | coming soon |
"Wood Processing Strategy: Gas Price Increase and Carbon Charge Effects on Heat and Electricity Costs", report to Wood Processing Strategy Steering Group, November 2002 | coming soon |
"Wood Processing Strategy: Drivers of Woody Bioenergy in New Zealand", report for Wood Processing Strategy Steering Group, November 2002 | pdf 249KB |
"Bioenergy from Woody Biomass in New Zealand", joint report, May 2001 | coming soon |
"Upcoming Geothermal Energy Development in New Zealand", paper by New Zealand Geothermal Association, October 2008 | pdf 397KB |
"Distributed Energy Report", report by New Zealand Geothermal Association, June 2008 | pdf 2.03MB |
"Growth in NZ Geothermal Industry", November 2007 | pdf 92.0KB |
"Assessment of Possible Renewable Energy Targets - Direct Use: Geothermal", report prepared for EECA, June 2007 | pdf 2.77MB |
"An Update on Geothermal Energy in New Zealand", report by New Zealand Geothermal Association, July 2006 | pdf 362KB |
"Some Recent and current Government Initiatives in New Zealand", paper presented to 25th NZ Geothermal workshop, 2003 | pdf 213KB |
"Establishment of a Hot Water Supply Company, business proposition report for EECA, June 2009
"Ensuring Quality Installation of Solar Water Heating Systems", presentation to Building Owners Institute of NZ Annual Conference (BOINZ), April 2008
"Solar Heating is Part of the Picture", July 2004
"Solar Water Heating is on the Move", presentation to IEA Solar and Cooling Programme meeting, November 2003
"Solar Water Heating as a Business Opportunity", presentation to the Master Plumbers Association, August 2003
"Review of Overseas Initiatives taken to Increase the Uptake of Solar Water Heating", February 2002